Comment policy

As an organization, BGreen Bridgeport is committed to vigorous, respectful dialogue, and we uphold that commitment across all platforms associated with our site. In that spirit, please be aware that comments that are determined to be exclusively promotional in nature, profane, offensive, threatening or abusive will be deleted at the sole discretion of BGreen Bridgeport staff. Direct harassment or personal attacks of any kind on BGreen Bridgeport writers or fellow commenters will not be tolerated, also at BGreen Bridgeport’ discretion. Finally, comments that are off-topic and do not contribute productively to discussion will also be removed.

Please contact the BGreen Bridgeport team to report any violations of these policies.

In order to make comment moderation sustainable for our small staff, each post will be closed to new comments 30 days after publication.

Please note: Our comment program automatically flags very lengthy comments or comments that contain multiple links as spam. If you think your comment has been flagged and removed in error, you may contact Belia.

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